In this Keio University workshop devoted to The Late Sigmund Freud, Dufresne delivered a lecture on the role that biology…
The Late Sigmund Freud: Or, The Last Word on Psychoanalysis, Society, and All the Riddles of Life
A lively, balanced, and scholarly defense of the late Freud that doubles as a major reassessment of psychoanalysis of interest to all readers of Freud.
A Friendly Reply to Fuhito Endo’s “Patricide of Monotheism or Metapsychology: Freud’s Historiography of Transcendental Negativity”
The “middle period” of Freud’s development overlaps roughly with the time of the First World War. With two sons at…
Reflections on Freud, the first “wild analyst”
Contribution to the Oxford University Press blog: Reflections on Freud, the first “wild analyist”
Psychoanalysis Is Dead … So How Does That Make You Feel?
Commentary for the LA Times:
Review of “The Late Sigmund Freud” in Metapsychology Online Reviews
“The author writes with great wit and impressive conviction; an astonishing wealth and density of his learning, research and extrapolations…
Interview in Skeptico
Read the the interview in Skeptico
Interview in Figure/Ground
Interview in Figure/Ground
Interview in The Vienna Psychoanalyst
Interview with The Vienna Psychologist: